An Open Source High-Performance Aws Kubernetes Cluster

Deepak Kumar Thakur
5 min readNov 30, 2021


It is possible to run Kubernetes on Amazon’s built-in infrastructure with a managed container service built-in by Amazon. Rancher allows you to manage a Kubernetes cluster with AWS-EKS services on a hybrid or multi-cloud system. Amazon Elastic KuberNETS service can create clusters that are managed by Amazon with high availability and built-in security.

If you have decided that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the place where you want to host your Kubernetes deployment, you have two primary AWS native options: Press the simple button and let AWS create and manage your cluster with Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or roll up your sleeves and sweat the details with self-hosted Kubernetes on EC2. In this article, Amazon explains how a cluster works and provides a quick tutorial on how to run a Kubernetes cluster in EC2 with EKS. With a combination of AWS and EKS, you can use a cluster managed by AWS Kubernetes Cluster on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance to host all your containers.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon EKS) simplifies the deployment, management, and scaling of container applications using Kubernetes on AWS. It is a fully managed service that takes care of the setup and creation of clusters, secures multi-support clusters, and automatically replaces unhealthy instances with master and worker nodes. In addition, clusters are patched and updated to the latest recommended Kuber network versions without any intervention.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) can be used to provide instances and provide a fully managed control layer for your use. EKS archives the high availability and scalability of the amazon Kubernetes cluster control layer, which is used on the Kubernetes platform, API services, etc. Across various Amazon availability zones. It is Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) compatible with existing Kuber net.NET configurations and provides all availability zones by default.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading provider of cloud computing, offering a wide range of services, including Kubernetes in its cloud. AWS is the most popular cloud provider option for using Kubernetes, as it allows unlimited scaling of enterprise container applications across clusters.

A Kubernetes cluster requires a DNS worker on each node to talk to the master to discover etcd and the rest of the etcd components. A cluster-capable DNS server such as CoreDNS can be monitored by the Kubernetes API and a new service can be created to set up DNS records for each one. An add-on allows you to set up a DNS service for your Kubernetes cluster.

If there is an external IP route to one or more cluster nodes, a Kubernetes service should expose them. If the endpoint IP address is not a cluster IP or there are no cluster IPs for other Kubernetes services, the Kube proxy does not support virtual IPs to the destination. Instead, Kubernetes assigns a new service object called my-service to the destination TCP port 9376 of the Pod app (myapp) and designates the IP address as the so-called cluster IP used by the service proxy (see Virtual IPs and Service Proxies).

Each Kubernetes cluster has its own network of pods, each of which is a network of separate VPC instances within the network. Each pod receives an IP address and a single DNS name that Kubernetes uses to connect your service to other external traffic. Backend services are created in the Kubernetes control level and provided with a virtual IP address (e.g. 10001).

When you create a provision for a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster in Amazon EC2 the Tanzu Kubernetes network distributes its control level and its nodes to three availability zones that you specify in your cluster configuration. The Amazon EKS control layer runs on an account managed by the AWS Kubernetes cluster API server and displays all Amazon EKs and endpoints connected to your cluster. When completing the prod, you can specify how many workers should node the Tanzu cluster to the Create command and deploy three, or you can select Tanzu on the Installer interface and configure cluster configuration in a file.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (AWS ECS) provides container orchestration with integrated Amazon technologies that do not use Kubernetes and simplify management by allowing you to control and fine-tune the orchestration process. The EKS cluster offers its users a managed control level to manage EC2 instances for their applications and containers.

We have a fully functional Amazon EKS cluster on Amazon where we use Kubernetes applications. We use a highly available and resilient Kubernetes cluster, using local instances and working nodes with Kop and EKS. Kop automatically updates existing cluster master nodes to the latest recommended version of Kuber net without specifying the exact version.

Learn how Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) works and discover key components of the AWS-EKS architecture, including clusters, nodes, and networks. With the Global Applications Catalog, you can use a Kubernetes cluster location to access ready-to-use apps and create standardized application configurations for your services.

For example, suppose we have an app directory that contains a dockerized application, including a docker file, and would like to deploy it in a deployment service that runs on our EKS cluster.

Add / cluster to your cluster name with the common tag public _ subnet/subnet so you can create service types and load balancers that you can use in the cluster. If your cloud provider supports Kube-proxy, you can use service load balancer mode to configure the load balancer and Kubernetes itself as a prefix connection for the proxy protocol. The cluster itself will provide NGINX deployment and a load-balancing service to run our app with the AWS Kubernetes cluster.

If we use a Const service in addition to our existing EKS cluster we can see the difference between the creation of Kubernetes deployment and the service object in the resulting URL that the service outputs.

Cluster Autoscaler is a tool that scales the number of nodes in a Kubernetes cluster based on the planning status of the pods and the use of individual nodes.



Deepak Kumar Thakur

I am skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media, Web Design, and Online Advertising.